Filling the Hole

Whether we are aware of it or not there is a huge hole inside of each of us that we are constantly trying to fill, often without success.  This hole has a major influence on the way we live our lives.  Our problem is we try to fill this hole with the wrong things.  We think that things like possessions and work and popularity will take away our inner ache and satisfy our longing for happiness.  The truth is they don’t.  Accumulation, achievement and our need for the approval of others cannot fill our empty hole.  To believe otherwise is an illusion and a false philosophy.  We human beings have a terrible habit of looking for happiness in the wrong places.

The hole inside of us can only be filled by love.  It is love, in fact it is unconditional love, that takes away our inner restlessness.  This is why God is the only one who can fill our empty hole.  Only God is unconditional love.  God loves without requirements and without restrictions.  To let ourselves be loved as we are by God is the only way to satisfy the yearning in our hearts. 

To let myself be loved unconditionally by God is to know that I am enough.  When I am able to say, ‘I am enough’ I am able to say, ‘I have enough.’  If I am not able to say, ‘I am enough’ I will continue to want more.  I will want more and more possessions, information, success, recognition, approval, power. To be able to say, ‘I have enough’ is a sign that I am filling my inner hole with the right kind of love.

Of course the culture we live in today does not make it easy for us to say, ‘I have enough.’  Our culture is driven by capitalist and consumerist philosophies; by making money and spending money.  It is notable how often we are referred to in the media as consumers.  Our culture is also driven by a work ethic that has us measure our worth by what we do, by our achievements and successes.  Then there is the impact of social media sites like Facebook that feed our desire for attention and the approval of others.  There are powerful forces at work in our lives that want us to fill the hole we have inside with the wrong things.  It takes a lot of self-awareness to recognise these forces and much courage to say ‘no’ to them. 

There are two ways to fill the hole we have inside.  One works, the other doesn’t. The decision is ours to make!

The Messenger

One of the great Advent figures is John the Baptist. John was a prophet and he has some helpful things to teach us about how to prepare for Christmas.  Let me mention three all beginning with the letter S.

John was single-minded. The focus of his life was Jesus.  He had come to prepare the way for Jesus and to point Jesus out when he came.  John let nothing distract him from centering his life on Jesus.  At this time of year there is a danger we would forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.  We need to try to keep Jesus at the centre of our Christmas preparations and celebrations.  If we don’t, Christmas will leave us with a sense of disappointment and perhaps even emptiness. 

We are told that John the Baptist lived out in the desert.  He sought silence.  Silence helped John not only to reflect but, more importantly, to listen to his heart. In listening to his heart John knew he was listening to God.  Silence enabled John to experience solitude.  Solitude is finding the Presence of God within.  It is prayer experienced as friendship.  Like John we too need times of silence in our lives, especially in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  How else can we glimpse the great wonder of God becoming human in a helpless, vulnerable child?  Without silence Christmas can be a superficial experience.

John also lived a simple life.  The scriptures tell us that he wore a camel skin and ate locusts and wild honey.  There was no excess baggage, no clutter or waste in John’s life. His life was focused on the essentials.  John’s example is an important one for us who live in a consumerist culture that is in overdrive for months before Christmas.  It often feels as if the real religion at Christmas is shopping. Of course it is a good thing at Christmas to give presents.  Gifts are an expression of our love and appreciation of others.  But there is so much needless spending and waste at Christmas.  Waste is offensive to the poor.  It also distracts us from the things that really matter – our relationships.  The investment we make in building relationships is much more important than our investment in material possessions. 

In the weeks leading up to Christmas John the Baptist’s message to us is clear. Don’t forget that Jesus is the reason for the season, create a little time for silence and put relationships before possessions.

See the Good

There are two sides to every story. There are also two sides to every person; the good side and the not so good side. Unfortunately, often the not so good side tends to dominate. We have a tendency only to see the bad and the good becomes blurred, indeed neglected.

In the Gospel we meet a little man called Zacchaeus who was a victim of the tendency in human nature to see the bad (see Luke 19:1-10). His fellow Jews saw him as a tax collector and therefore as a traitor and a thief. For them he was a bad person, someone to be shunned, isolated and rejected. We can have no doubt that Zacchaeus was hurting inside.

When Jesus met Zacchaeus he too saw a tax collector. But he also saw something more, something better, something good. He saw the capacity for generosity and care in Zacchaeus’ heart. Instead of rejecting Zacchaeus, Jesus accepted him. He chose to dine in Zacchaeus’ house. Jesus’ attitude to Zacchaeus changed his life. He became a different person. His potential for good was awakened and he put his wealth at the service of the poor.

So what about us? When we look at other people what do we see? Do we see the good or the bad, the positive or the negative? If we see the good in others we open up a world of opportunity for them, we bring out the best in them. If we see the bad in others, we limit them, we imprison them, we confine them to a black hole.

And when we look at ourselves what do we see? When I look at myself do I see the good or the bad, the strengths or the weaknesses, the successes or the failures? Is my picture of myself a positive one or a negative one? It is a fact that many people carry within themselves a poor self-image and low self-esteem. There are obviously reasons why some people do not feel loved and lovable. But the objective truth is that everyone is made in the image of God, everyone is loved unconditionally by God and everyone is offered the same friendship of Jesus that Zacchaeus was offered. Each one of us is a good but weak human being. While we have a tendency to focus on the negative, Jesus always focuses on the positive.

The challenge for each of us is not to allow the imperfections, the flaws, the weaknesses to dominate the way we see ourselves, others and indeed the world around us. Human nature may be full of imperfection and failure, but it is essentially good and, in the end, the good will prove victorious.

Lent: Almsgiving

The third thing the Lenten season invites us to practise is almsgiving. Jesus insisted that we care for those in need and that we do this without looking for a reward. “When you give alms, your left hand must not know what you right hand is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” (Matt 6:3-4).

We can look at almsgiving in the specific and concrete sense of offering practical help to those who are hungry or homeless or without clothes. In Matthew’s Gospel chapter 25 Jesus makes it clear that this kind of charity is a non-negotiable essential for his followers. “When I was hungry you gave me to eat, when I was thirsty you gave me to drink; when I was sick or in prison you came to see me…. For as long as you did this to one of the least of my brothers and sisters you did it to me.”

But we also need to look at almsgiving in the much broader sense of our attitude to life. The late actress, Audrey Hepburn, once said, “As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping other people.” Our lives are not just about ourselves and our own needs. Our lives are also for others. When we serve others we are making a difference to their lives. We are also making a difference to our own. In fact, we are becoming who we are meant to be. We are showing love and love is the meaning and purpose of life. It is a truth that unless and until we give our lives away to others we do not seem to have them ourselves at any deep level.

Lent: Fasting

Perhaps the thing we most associate with Lent is fasting. Jesus knew the value of fasting and promoted it in his teaching. Many of Jesus’ contemporaries saw fasting as physical and public acts of penance which they used to promote their ‘holy image’. “When you are fasting, do not put on a gloomy look as the hypocrites do: they go about looking unsightly to let people know they are fasting. In truth I tell you, they have had their reward. But when you fast, put scent on your head and wash your face, so that no one will know you are fasting except your Father” (Matt 6:16-18). Obviously Jesus wasn’t convinced by the practice of fasting used by the Pharisees. He knew there is a tendency in human nature towards attachment and addiction that is not healthy and balanced.

For Jesus fasting is not just about giving up things like sweets or cigarettes or alcohol. It is more about what we need to do to keep our hearts mellow and grateful. To keep our hearts mellow and grateful we certainly need to control our desire for possessions and power and popularity. As Jesus himself discovered during his retreat in the desert these are potent demons in the human heart that need to be tamed.

Fasting is unfashionable among Christians today. Yet never has it been so necessary. In the so called first world which is mainly nominally Christian we are now the most indebted, obese, addicted and medicated generation in history. Jesus’ teaching on fasting has the power to improve our health, our relationships and our environment. Yes, the real cause of climate change is our unwillingness to say, ‘I have enough.’ To fast is to say, ‘I have enough.’ Lent is a good opportunity to identify some area in my life that is out of control and to say, ‘enough is enough!’

A Prodigal Father

The story of the Prodigal is regarded by many as the greatest story ever told (see Luke 15:11-32).  It is a story that describes the relationship between a father and his two sons.  The father is God the Father of Jesus.  The two sons represent humanity.

The younger son asks for his share of the family estate, leaves home and treats himself to a good time.  He is wasteful and ends up broke.  In fact, not only does he end up broke he also ends up broken.  He finds himself broke financially and broken emotionally.  He becomes penniless, powerless and friendless. He is stripped completely bare, left with nothing to hold on to.  His hands are totally empty.  Knowing that his hands are empty he decides to take a risk.  He returns home hoping that his father will forgive and accept him.  His hopes are realised beyond measure.  His father is delighted to have him back.  Without words of complaint or judgement his father clasps him in his arms and kisses him tenderly.  Indeed his father calls for a celebration because he has got his son back safe and sound.

The elder son is the dutiful son who stays at home and does the work.  His sense of duty while admirable makes him angry.  He is angry at his younger brother for being wasteful with the family’s hard earned money.  He is angry at his father for welcoming his younger brother back with open arms and no conditions.  And he is angry with what he perceives as the unfairness in the life of his family and indeed in his own life.  For the elder son love is not free.  It has to be earned, achieved by hard work.  The elder son is a conformist who has remained loyal, but his heart is resentful.  He is not at peace.

The younger son’s failure and emptiness allow him to accept his father’s love as gift while the elder son’s pride does not.  The younger son has no choice but to come to the father with empty hands.  The elder son needs to have his list of achievements in the presence of his father. Perhaps for the first time in his life the younger son knows that his father’s love is unconditional.  The elder son continues to see it as conditional.

But what about us?  Where are we in the story?  Is our experience of God that of the elder son or the younger son? Are we still trying to win God’s affirmation and approval by our achievements?  Or are we now able to come to God with empty hands in the affective knowledge that his love is unconditional?  Of course the truth is it usually takes an experience of failing and falling like that of the younger son before we can really accept the Father’s love as gift, not achievement.