Double Gaze

There are two ways of seeing.  These can be described as the first gaze and the second gaze.  The first gaze is influenced by the false self.  The second gaze comes out of the true self.  Our task as we journey through life is to move from the first gaze to the second gaze.

Most of us tend to see with the first gaze most of the time.  The first gaze is my default way of seeing myself and others.  It is also the way the culture in which I live tends to see me.  My first gaze is a reaction to my feelings of inadequacy.  I feel I am not good enough.  And if I am not good enough then others are not good enough either.  It is my feelings of inadequacy that make me defensive and fearful and competitive and judgemental and controlling and anxious.  Because of my low self-worth I need to accumulate and achieve in order to feel good about myself.  I also constantly seek the approval of others.  If I see myself in a negative way then I will see others in a negative way. I will also see the things that happen in the world in a negative way.

The second gaze is the way God sees. The second gaze sees me, other people and creation as good and loveable.  In the second gaze I am always worthy of love and belonging.  And so are others.  When I know that I am worthy of love and belonging, I am open and trusting and cooperative and inclusive. I am also able to take the risk of standing ‘undefended.’ 

So how do we develop this second gaze?  Well, one thing that can help us develop it is what we call contemplative practice.  What is contemplative practice? Contemplative practice is a way of sitting in silence that allows me to listen, to receive, to let myself be loved as I am, to accept the gift of my belovedness which has, in fact, already been given to me.  Contemplative practice enables me to see myself the way God see me – with love and tenderness.  Perhaps the best fruit of contemplative practice is compassion.  Through contemplative practice I am able to gaze on myself, others and the world with a compassionate heart.

Even though we long for the second gaze we tend to settle for the first one. This is because of the power of our wounds, especially the wound of conditional love.  Moving from the first gaze to the second gaze involves facing up to my false self which was actually created by the wound of conditional love.  This can be a difficult and demanding process.  For many of us it takes a crisis, especially a mid-life crisis, to make us finally accept that we are finding our value in what we have, in what we do and in what other people think of us.  At some point in our lives, we need to stop defining ourselves by our possessions, by our achievements, by our reputation but instead to find our value within, in our true self, in our belovedness.  The truth is we are not going to move into the freedom of the second gaze unless and until we stop searching for happiness in the wrong places.   


Traditionally the second day of February has been called Candlemas.  It seems that with ever-lengthening days by early February people used one less candle to light the household at night. 

In the past candles were essential sources of light during the hours of darkness.  Today candles, though not as essential, are still popular.  They are used for decoration, but also to create atmosphere.  In the Christian tradition candles have always been used as an important symbol of faith.  The candle is a simple reminder that Jesus rose from the darkness of death, that he is alive as our risen Lord and that he is constantly present with us lighting our way to our Father’s house.  The candle is also a symbol of our baptism.  When we were baptised, we were received into the glow and warmth of God’s love and became followers of Jesus. 

Of course, in the Christian tradition candles are used as aids to prayer.  They help us express to God what is going on in our hearts.  When we light a candle at a shrine in a church we are placing a personal intention, something dear to us, into God’s care and protection.  What is more, we are also making an offering of ourselves and our daily activities to God.   

The symbolism of using a candle as an offering of our lives to God is powerfully significant.  It suggests that our offering creates light.  This is what happened at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple which we recall each year on 2nd February.  When Mary and Joseph offered Jesus to the Father they were told that the offering they were making would become the light not just of their own lives but of the whole world.  The old man Simeon made this prophecy: “My eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the gentiles and the glory of your people Israel” (Luke 2:30). 

Both the flame of a tiny candle and the words of Simeon are reminders to us that every gift of ourselves, every act of generosity, every sacrifice we make creates light, a light which lights up the darkness in our world, a light the darkness cannot overcome.  It is indeed much better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. 

The Journey of Life

Nowadays it is not uncommon to hear life being referred to as a journey. A journey is indeed a good image, a helpful image, to describe the pattern of our lives. It is also a good image to reflect on as we head into another new year.

Before we set out on a journey we need to do a few things. Firstly, we need to choose our destination, our journey’s end. Secondly, we need to find the route that will take us to our destination, the best road to travel. Finally, we must decide what we need for our journey, what it is that will help us to get to where we want to go.

The journey of life is similar. It too needs a destination. It is important to name what it is we want out of life. If we do not know what we want from life we may end up drifting along aimlessly, without a focus. At the end of our lives we would surely like to be able to say that we achieved our goals and fulfilled our dreams.

Then we need to choose a good road to take us to our destination. Is the road we choose a sure road, a safe road? Is it well signposted? Does it provide opportunities for meeting people and experiencing companionship? Does it allow us to view the scenery on the way, to appreciate the good things we have and to notice the beauty around us? Or is it like a motorway, fast, efficient, competitive and monotonous?

Finally, we must decide what we need for our journey. Do we need other people? Do we need God? Do we need the love, support and strength of the three F’s – family, friends and faith? Or do we prefer to go it alone, to travel by ourselves, to depend mainly on our own resources?

I have a small poster in my living room which says, “Happiness is not a destination; it is a way of life.” Those who walk the Camino across the north of Spain to Santiago de Compostela say that what happens to them while they are walking the road is as important as what happens when they get to Compostela. The way we travel the road of life is just as significant as getting to the destination we have set for ourselves. So, let’s slow down, let’s enjoy the ride. Let’s savour the host of opportunities that come our way. God is present in the here and now waiting and wanting to be recognised and known. What we used to call ‘the sacrament of the present moment’ has indeed something to teach us about the journey of life.

A God with Skin On

There is a story told about a child who woke up from a dream in the middle of the night frightened.  She was on her own, so she cried out for protection.  Her mother who was in the bedroom next door heard her cry and immediately came to comfort her.  The mother tried to reassure her daughter that she was safe and that there was no reason for her to be afraid.  ‘Don’t you know that God is looking after you,’ she said. ‘Yes, mammy I know God is looking after me,’ the child replied, ‘but tonight I need a God with skin on!’   

Jesus was God with skin on.  People met God in the humanity of Jesus. This is what we are celebrating at Christmas; we call it the Incarnation. In Jesus, God became one of us; in fact, he became one with us. On that first Christmas night God became flesh and lived among us (see John 1:14). Jesus of Nazareth was the human face of God, the person in whom God was met and known in the most tangible of ways.  

Because Jesus was God with skin on, we too are God with skin on.  If God dwelt in the humanity of Jesus, then God dwells in our humanity also.  What we are celebrating at Christmas is not just the extraordinary fact that God put on flesh in Jesus, but the even more extraordinary fact that we put flesh on God for each other.  This truth is poetically expressed in this little verse: “I sought my soul I could not see; I sought my God and He eluded me; I sought my neighbour and I found all three.”  In the concrete reality of our neighbour, we meet God.  In the earthiness of our neighbour, we meet God.  In the humanness of our neighbour, we meet God.  This is the implication of what happened on that first Christmas all those years ago.    

The birth of Jesus raised the dignity of our humanity to a whole new realm.  Whether we are aware of it or not, God is living and loving in each of us. This makes us sacred vessels and channels of the Divine Presence.  Our humanity is the primary means through which God is involved in our world.  To quote the words attributed to St Teresa of Avila: 

“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks out to the world. Yours are the feet by which He goes about doing good. Yours are the hands by which He blesses people now.” 

We are Christ’s body in the world.  This Christmas let us use our bodies to bless our families, friends and everyone we meet.   Happy Christmas season!


During the season of Advent we are reminded that the Jewish people had to wait for the coming of the Messiah.  Indeed, during the season of Advent we are drawn into the experience of their long years of waiting.  God makes his chosen people wait for the fulfilment of their longings.

Waiting is a holy thing, but it may not be an easy thing, or a popular thing.  Our contemporary culture has no time for waiting. It is an instant culture; instant food, instant coffee, instant communication.  We want everything now, immediately. This puts our contemporary culture at odds with the spiritual life.  The spiritual life is a process of waiting.  Spiritual growth does not happen overnight.  There are no microwave mystics, no instant saints.  Spiritual growth is a gradual process.   It takes time, a lot of time.  It involves patience and it involves perseverance.

We say that God’s ways are not our ways.  It is also true to say that God’s time is not our time.  In Advent we are being invited, like the Jewish people, to wait patiently on God to fulfil his plan for us, in us; for me, in me.  We see this spirit of waiting in John the Baptist, one of the great Advent figures. John sent messengers to Jesus to ask if he needs to continue to wait: “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” (Luke 7:19).  Jesus assures John that he has to wait no longer.  The Kingdom of God is at hand.  John’s waiting is over, and it has been rewarded.

Why God makes us wait for what is good for us is not easy to understand.  Perhaps it is one of those mysteries that we may just need to accept. What is true is that waiting increases our desire and kindles our longing.  It makes us grateful and helps us to appreciate what has been given to us.  It also deepens our trust in God and the deeper our trust in God the freer God is to work in us and through us.

Preparing for Christmas

Advent is a time of spiritual preparation for Christmas. One of the great Advent figures is John the Baptist. John was a prophet, and as a prophet he has some helpful things to teach us about how to prepare for Christmas.  Here are three all beginning with the letter S. 

John was single-minded. The focus of his life was Jesus.  He had come to prepare the way for Jesus and to point Jesus out when he came.  John let nothing distract him from centering his life on Jesus.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas there is a danger that we would get distracted, that we would forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.  We need to try our best to keep Jesus at the centre of our Christmas preparations and celebrations.  If we don’t, Christmas may leave us with a sense of disappointment and perhaps even emptiness. 

We are told that John the Baptist lived out in the desert.  He sought silence.  Silence helped John not only to reflect but, more importantly, to listen to his heart. In listening to his heart John knew he was listening to God.  Silence enabled John to experience solitude.  Solitude is finding the Presence of God within.  It is prayer experienced as friendship.  Like John we too need times of silence in our lives, especially in the weeks before Christmas.  How else can we glimpse the great wonder of God becoming human in a helpless, vulnerable child?  Without silence Christmas can be a superficial experience. 

John also lived a simple life.  The scriptures tell us that he wore a camel skin and ate locusts and wild honey.  There was no excess baggage, no clutter or waste in John’s life. His life was focused on the essentials.  John’s example is an important one for us who live in a consumerist culture, a consumerist culture that is in overdrive for months before Christmas.  It often feels as if the real religion at Christmas is shopping. Of course, it is a good thing at Christmas to give presents.  Gifts are an expression of our love and appreciation of others.  But there is so much needless spending and waste at Christmas.  Waste is offensive to the poor.  It also distracts us from the things that really matter – our relationships.  The investment we make in building relationships is much more important than our investment in material possessions.   

To prepare for Christmas John the Baptist’s message to us is clear: (1) Don’t forget that Jesus is the reason for the season, (2) Create a little time for silence and (3) Put relationships before possessions. 

New Publication

A chance encounter and conversation on a plane journey was the inspiration for this little book. I help a man called Thomas to understand what is driving our western lifestyle and why this may be the cause of much of our dissatisfaction and anxiety. I then offer Thomas some advice on how to live a meaningful life. This advice is focused on five values which I present as five invitations.

To order a copy send me an email at Please include your address. Cost: £5.00

With Empty Hands

Jesus once told a story about two men who went to the temple to pray.  One was a Pharisee, the other a tax collector.  The Pharisee prayed, “I thank you, God, that I am not grasping, unjust, adulterous like everyone else, and particularly that I am not like this tax collector here.  I fast twice a week; I pay tithes on all I get.”  The tax collector’s prayer was very different. He simply said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”

The Pharisee approached God with full hands.  His hands were ‘heavy’ with his own good works. He was proud of his achievements, achievements he was using to justify himself before God and to make himself better than others.  The tax collector’s attitude was very different. He came to God with empty hands. He realised that he had little or nothing to show for his life.  He knew he depended entirely on the mercy of God.

Jesus leaves us in no doubt about which of the two men’s prayers he prefers.  Jesus loves the attitude of the tax collector because the tax collector comes before God with empty hands.  We need to be reminded that the spiritual life is God’s work in us.  The spiritual life is less about what we do – our efforts, our good works, our achievements.  It is, instead, more about what God does in us and through us.  Concretely, it is about us our willingness to let God work in us and through us.

Therese of Lisieux desired to appear before God in death empty-handed.  Here is how she expressed this desire: “In the evening of this life, I shall appear before you with empty hands, for I do not ask you, Lord, to count my works.” Against the background of a theology of merit and a religious practice of requirements and rewards this was a brave and prophetic thing to say. Therese had come to know in a personal way that all is grace, all is gift, all is given.  Like her, we too need to accept that God’s love and mercy are unconditional. We do not need to ‘earn’ love and mercy by our good deeds. They are free. It is God who saves us. We do not save ourselves.

To accept God’s love as gift, not achievement, we must learn to surrender.  Unfortunately surrender does not come easy to us.  We have all kinds of resistance to it.  The spiritual life could be described as a process of breaking down our resistance to surrender.  This process happens in all sorts of ways, not least our experiences of failing and falling.  Whether or not we choose surrender, in the end God will see to it that we come before him with empty hands.


The human heart has a longing for happiness.  The difficulty is we end up looking for happiness in the wrong places.  This is because we are wounded and under the control of what we call the ego or the false self.  Furthermore, the world in which we live is an imperfect place.  It is a broken world, a divided world, indeed a cruel world.  Our lives are affected by separation and self-interest and the evil we call sin.

One of the things that Mary the Mother of Jesus said to St Bernadette when she appeared to her at the Grotto in Lourdes was: “I do not promise you happiness in this life, only in the next.”  Christians believe that our desire for happiness will only be truly fulfilled in God’s other world beyond the grave; in the place we call heaven.  When Jesus speaks about happiness his concern is our lasting happiness, our eternal happiness.  He often refers to the things that lead to lasting happiness and to the things that do not.

Jesus is clear and sometimes blunt.  He tells us not to expect money or possessions or power or fame to make us happy.  These things do not satisfy the deeper hungers in our hearts.  Building our lives around accumulation and achievement and the constant need for human approval is futile and false.  For Jesus what makes us happy is loving relationships.  It is the quality of the relationships we have with ourselves, others and God that is the source of true happiness.

Building a relationship with God will certainly make us happy.  When we invest time developing a relationship with God we discover that God knows us personally and loves us unconditionally.  What is more, we realise that we have no need to prove ourselves to God or indeed to anyone else.  Building caring and compassionate relationships with other people will also make us happy.  Caring and compassionate relationships are what we long for and what we are made for.

We need to keep reminding ourselves that the only thing we can take with us when we die is the love in our hearts.  Everything else will be left behind.  Here is how The Little Book of Calm expresses this reality: “If you tend to get too serious about your work or your responsibilities it is good to remind yourself that the most common deathbed regrets have to do with neglected relationships, not unfinished business.”